Friday, 22 December 2017

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

December 22, 2017

Dear Indira,

Many people have good intentions but very few people actually follow those through with great actions. And, unfortunately, without action, good intentions just remain those. A thought in the mind, an unsent draft of an email, an unfinished PowerPoint presentation on the hard disk. So when I get a chance to meet people who actually walk the talk, it’s not only very inspiring but also very very fulfilling.

I’d first heard about you through a very dear friend, Sudhir who mentioned what you yourself had gone through. So this was a parent, with first-hand experience wanting to give back or set up something so that other special needs parents don’t have to go through what you initially had to go through. Or get a shot at the right support and care for their kids. I still remember that first orientation session in Fort at your office, the video you played with Yuvraj. What caught me was not just the investment & infrastructure that you were putting in behind setting up The Gateway School of Mumbai, but the passion with which you were approaching it. You pretty much had me at ‘hello’ then. But then to see that vision, dream translate from an idea and good intention from sorting the permissions with the BMC, the razing and building of walls to the hiring of the right teams, their training and more… I’ve been lucky to see that come alive brick by brick.

I’ve been fortunate to get a chance to see that up close thanks to my son, Rishaan, and be a small part of that journey. I’ve seen not just the school & my son grow but also see your vision get bigger and stronger. And see that passion transferred to each and every person who’s a part of the Gateway family. Right from the heads of school and teachers to the help that works as part of the team.

I can see how & why enthusiasm is something that can never be taught but only caught – and how contagious that is when I see you on every annual day, art exhibition or the smallest celebrations looking into the smaller details. At the same time, building such an able and passionate team that lives the same values. I love the fact that no kid is ever turned away on account of not being able to afford the fees. I love the approach the school has of no kid left behind, and the genuine effort & interest that everyone has. In every child. That’s what makes this school special. Not just because it’s a special needs school. In fact, I wish I had got a chance to go to a school like Gateway.

Now before I embarrass you any further, I will stop and just say thanks for continuing to inspire, to show us all that it’s always better to choose hope over cynicism. To show us that you are what you do, not what you say you’ll do. That the distance between your dreams and reality can only be bridged by action.

And that life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

Wish you a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year and may you continue to dance that dance and have loads more people join you on the dance floor J

Loads and loads of love,

Ashish Patil
[Rishaan’s dad]