Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Things I'd wanna teach my kid...

Learn to respect people
Not just elders and parents and teachers
But people in general

And respect comes before love.
You can respect someone you love, but you can’t love someone you don’t respect.

Do whatever you’re doing, be it playing a game, be it doing your homework, be it work… not just with complete attention but with passion.
Passion spills over.
From work, or whatever you’re doing into all aspects of life.
And keeps you alive.

Love is about give and get, not give and take.
If you love someone, don’t do that with expectations.
I know that kind of selfless love sounds hard.
But it is not a transaction.
If you’re loving someone only so that they you can get something back, be it their love, or their company, their touch… you will be disappointed a lot of times.
Love someone because you love them.
And how they are.
Not because of what they are or who they are. Not because of how they’ll love you back.
And you won’t be disappointed. Ever.

Have a dream.
Whatever it is.
It could be the silliest, craziest, zaniest, or the most regular, boring thing.
But have one.
It kind of helps you find focus and stay focused.

And then chase it.
Don’t let go.
And fulfill it. And find another.

Have a sense of humor.
Don’t take yourself too seriously.
Life is funny.
It makes a joke out of you often enough.
If you can manage to laugh at yourself, you’ll be able to get through smiling.
And sane.
And stay objective.

And while you’re at it, enjoy the ride.

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